Class ProcessTextChannel


public class ProcessTextChannel extends Object
ProcessTextChannel is a platform channel that is used by the framework to initiate text processing feature in the embedding and for the embedding to send back the results.

When the framework needs to query the list of text processing actions (for instance to expose them in the selected text context menu), it will send to the embedding the message ProcessText.queryTextActions. In response, the ProcessTextPlugin will return a map of all activities that can process text. The map keys are generated IDs and the values are the activities labels. On the first request, the ProcessTextPlugin will make a call to Android's package manager to query all activities that can be performed for the Intent.ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT intent.

When a text processing action has to be executed, the framework will send to the embedding the message ProcessText.processTextAction with the int id of the choosen text action and the String of text to process as arguments. In response, the ProcessTextPlugin will make a call to the Android application activity to start the activity exposing the text action. The ProcessTextPlugin will return the processed text if there is one, or null if the activity did not return a transformed text.

ProcessTextPlugin implements ProcessTextChannel.ProcessTextMethodHandler that parses incoming messages from Flutter.