Interface PlatformChannel.PlatformMessageHandler

Enclosing class:

public static interface PlatformChannel.PlatformMessageHandler
Handler that receives platform messages sent from Flutter to Android through a given PlatformChannel.

To register a PlatformMessageHandler with a PlatformChannel, see PlatformChannel.setPlatformMessageHandler(PlatformMessageHandler).

  • Method Details

    • playSystemSound

      void playSystemSound(@NonNull PlatformChannel.SoundType soundType)
      The Flutter application would like to play the given soundType.
    • vibrateHapticFeedback

      void vibrateHapticFeedback(@NonNull PlatformChannel.HapticFeedbackType feedbackType)
      The Flutter application would like to play the given haptic feedbackType.
    • setPreferredOrientations

      void setPreferredOrientations(int androidOrientation)
      The Flutter application would like to display in the given androidOrientation.
    • setApplicationSwitcherDescription

      void setApplicationSwitcherDescription(@NonNull PlatformChannel.AppSwitcherDescription description)
      The Flutter application would like to be displayed in Android's app switcher with the visual representation described in the given description.

      See the related Android documentation:

    • showSystemOverlays

      void showSystemOverlays(@NonNull List<PlatformChannel.SystemUiOverlay> overlays)
      The Flutter application would like the Android system to display the given overlays.

      PlatformChannel.SystemUiOverlay.TOP_OVERLAYS refers to system overlays such as the status bar, while PlatformChannel.SystemUiOverlay.BOTTOM_OVERLAYS refers to system overlays such as the back/home/recents navigation on the bottom of the screen.

      An empty list of overlays should hide all system overlays.

    • showSystemUiMode

      void showSystemUiMode(@NonNull PlatformChannel.SystemUiMode mode)
      The Flutter application would like the Android system to display the given mode.

      PlatformChannel.SystemUiMode.LEAN_BACK refers to a fullscreen experience that restores system bars upon tapping anywhere in the application. This tap gesture is not received by the application.

      PlatformChannel.SystemUiMode.IMMERSIVE refers to a fullscreen experience that restores system bars upon swiping from the edge of the viewport. This swipe gesture is not recived by the application.

      PlatformChannel.SystemUiMode.IMMERSIVE_STICKY refers to a fullscreen experience that restores system bars upon swiping from the edge of the viewport. This swipe gesture is received by the application, in contrast to PlatformChannel.SystemUiMode.IMMERSIVE.

      PlatformChannel.SystemUiMode.EDGE_TO_EDGE refers to a layout configuration that will consume the full viewport. This full screen experience does not hide status bars. These status bars can be set to transparent, making the buttons and icons hover over the fullscreen application.

    • setSystemUiChangeListener

      void setSystemUiChangeListener()
      The Flutter application would like the Android system to notify the framework when the system ui visibility has changed.

      This is relevant when using PlatformChannel.SystemUiModes for fullscreen applications, from which the system overlays can appear or disappear based on user input.

    • restoreSystemUiOverlays

      void restoreSystemUiOverlays()
      The Flutter application would like to restore the visibility of system overlays to the last set of overlays sent via showSystemOverlays(List) or showSystemUiMode(SystemUiMode).

      If showSystemOverlays(List) or showSystemUiMode(SystemUiMode) has yet to be called, then a default system overlay appearance is desired:


    • setSystemUiOverlayStyle

      void setSystemUiOverlayStyle(@NonNull PlatformChannel.SystemChromeStyle systemUiOverlayStyle)
      The Flutter application would like the system chrome to present itself with the given systemUiOverlayStyle, i.e., the given status bar and navigation bar colors and brightness.
    • setFrameworkHandlesBack

      default void setFrameworkHandlesBack(boolean frameworkHandlesBack)
      The Flutter application would or would not like to handle navigation pop events itself.

      Relevant for registering and unregistering the app's OnBackInvokedCallback for the Predictive Back feature, for example as in FlutterActivity.

    • popSystemNavigator

      void popSystemNavigator()
      The Flutter application would like to pop the top item off of the Android app's navigation back stack.
    • getClipboardData

      @Nullable CharSequence getClipboardData(@Nullable PlatformChannel.ClipboardContentFormat format)
      The Flutter application would like to receive the current data in the clipboard and have it returned in the given format.
    • setClipboardData

      void setClipboardData(@NonNull String text)
      The Flutter application would like to set the current data in the clipboard to the given text.
    • clipboardHasStrings

      boolean clipboardHasStrings()
      The Flutter application would like to know if the clipboard currently contains a string that can be pasted.
    • share

      void share(@NonNull String text)
      The Flutter application would like to share the given text using the Android standard intent action named Intent.ACTION_SEND. See: