Flutter iOS Embedder
FlutterView Class Reference

#import <FlutterView.h>

Inheritance diagram for FlutterView:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(instancetype) - initWithFrame:
(instancetype) - initWithCoder:
(instancetype) - initWithDelegate:opaque:enableWideGamut:
(UIScreen *) - screen
(MTLPixelFormat) - pixelFormat

Class Methods

(instancetype) + NS_UNAVAILABLE


BOOL forceSoftwareRendering

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file FlutterView.h.

Method Documentation

◆ initWithCoder:

- (instancetype) initWithCoder: (NSCoder*)  NS_UNAVAILABLE

Definition at line 30 of file FlutterView.mm.

30  :(NSCoder*)aDecoder {
31  NSAssert(NO, @"FlutterView must initWithDelegate");
32  return nil;
33 }

◆ initWithDelegate:opaque:enableWideGamut:

- (instancetype) initWithDelegate: (id<FlutterViewEngineDelegate>)  delegate
opaque: (BOOL)  opaque

Definition at line 66 of file FlutterView.mm.

66  :(id<FlutterViewEngineDelegate>)delegate
67  opaque:(BOOL)opaque
68  enableWideGamut:(BOOL)isWideGamutEnabled {
69  if (delegate == nil) {
70  NSLog(@"FlutterView delegate was nil.");
71  return nil;
72  }
74  self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectNull];
76  if (self) {
77  _delegate = delegate;
78  _isWideGamutEnabled = isWideGamutEnabled;
79  self.layer.opaque = opaque;
80  }
82  return self;
83 }

◆ initWithFrame:

- (instancetype) initWithFrame: (CGRect)  NS_UNAVAILABLE

Definition at line 25 of file FlutterView.mm.

25  :(CGRect)frame {
26  NSAssert(NO, @"FlutterView must initWithDelegate");
27  return nil;
28 }


+ (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE

◆ pixelFormat

- (MTLPixelFormat) pixelFormat

Definition at line 42 of file FlutterView.mm.

42  {
43  if ([self.layer isKindOfClass:[CAMetalLayer class]]) {
44 // It is a known Apple bug that CAMetalLayer incorrectly reports its supported
45 // SDKs. It is, in fact, available since iOS 8.
46 #pragma clang diagnostic push
47 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunguarded-availability-new"
48  CAMetalLayer* layer = (CAMetalLayer*)self.layer;
49  return layer.pixelFormat;
50  }
51  return MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
52 }

◆ screen

- (UIScreen *) screen

Definition at line 35 of file FlutterView.mm.

35  {
36  if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
37  return self.window.windowScene.screen;
38  }
39  return UIScreen.mainScreen;
40 }

Property Documentation

◆ forceSoftwareRendering

- (BOOL) forceSoftwareRendering

Definition at line 48 of file FlutterView.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: