Flutter iOS Embedder
FlutterPlatformViewsController Class Reference

#import <FlutterPlatformViewsController.h>

Inheritance diagram for FlutterPlatformViewsController:

Instance Methods

(void) - registerViewFactory:withId:gestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy:
 set the factory used to construct embedded UI Views. More...
(void) - beginFrameWithSize:
 Mark the beginning of a frame and record the size of the onscreen. More...
(void) - cancelFrame
 Cancel the current frame, indicating that no platform views are composited. More...
(void) - prerollCompositeEmbeddedView:withParams:
 Record a platform view in the layer tree to be rendered, along with the positioning and mutator parameters. More...
(FlutterTouchInterceptingView *) - flutterTouchInterceptingViewForId:
 Returns theFlutterTouchInterceptingView with the provided view_id. More...
(flutter::PostPrerollResult) - postPrerollActionWithThreadMerger:impellerEnabled:
 Determine if thread merging is required after prerolling platform views. More...
(void) - endFrameWithResubmit:threadMerger:impellerEnabled:
 Mark the end of a compositor frame. More...
(flutter::DlCanvas *) - compositeEmbeddedViewWithId:
 Returns the Canvas for the overlay slice for the given platform view. More...
(void) - reset
 Discards all platform views instances and auxiliary resources. More...
(BOOL) - submitFrame:withIosContext:grContext:
 Encode rendering for the Flutter overlay views and queue up perform platform view mutations. More...
(void) - onMethodCall:result:
 Handler for platform view message channels. More...
(long) - firstResponderPlatformViewId
 Returns the platform view id if the platform view (or any of its descendant view) is the first responder. More...
(void) - pushFilterToVisitedPlatformViews:withRect:
 Pushes backdrop filter mutation to the mutator stack of each visited platform view. More...
(void) - pushVisitedPlatformViewId:
 Pushes the view id of a visted platform view to the list of visied platform views. More...
(size_t) - embeddedViewCount
(UIView *_Nullable) - platformViewForId:
(void) - compositeView:withParams:
(const flutter::EmbeddedViewParams &) - compositionParamsForView:


const fml::RefPtr< fml::TaskRunner > & taskRunner
 The task runner used to post rendering tasks to the platform thread. More...
UIView *_Nullable flutterView
 The flutter view. More...
UIViewController< FlutterViewResponder > *_Nullable flutterViewController
 The flutter view controller. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.h.

Method Documentation

◆ beginFrameWithSize:

- (void) beginFrameWithSize: (SkISize)  frameSize

Mark the beginning of a frame and record the size of the onscreen.

Definition at line 447 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

447  :(SkISize)frameSize {
448  [self resetFrameState];
449  self.frameSize = frameSize;
450 }

◆ cancelFrame

- (void) cancelFrame

Cancel the current frame, indicating that no platform views are composited.

Additionally, reverts the composition order to its original state at the beginning of the frame.

Definition at line 452 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

452  {
453  [self resetFrameState];
454 }

Referenced by postPrerollActionWithThreadMerger:impellerEnabled:.

◆ compositeEmbeddedViewWithId:

- (DlCanvas *) FlutterPlatformViewsController: (int64_t)  viewId

Returns the Canvas for the overlay slice for the given platform view.

Called from the raster thread.

Definition at line 707 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

707  :(int64_t)viewId {
708  FML_DCHECK(self.slices.find(viewId) != self.slices.end());
709  return self.slices[viewId]->canvas();
710 }

◆ compositeView:withParams:

- (void) compositeView: (int64_t)  viewId
withParams: (const flutter::EmbeddedViewParams &)  params 

◆ compositionParamsForView:

- (const EmbeddedViewParams& FlutterPlatformViewsController(Testing)): (int64_t)  viewId

◆ embeddedViewCount

- (size_t) embeddedViewCount

◆ endFrameWithResubmit:threadMerger:impellerEnabled:

- (void) endFrameWithResubmit: (BOOL)  shouldResubmitFrame
threadMerger: (const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>&)  rasterThreadMerger
impellerEnabled: (BOOL)  impellerEnabled 

Mark the end of a compositor frame.

May determine changes are required to the thread merging state. Called from the raster thread.

Definition at line 491 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

491  :(BOOL)shouldResubmitFrame
492  threadMerger:(const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>&)rasterThreadMerger
493  impellerEnabled:(BOOL)impellerEnabled {
495  BOOL runCheck = YES;
496 #else
497  BOOL runCheck = !impellerEnabled;
498 #endif // FML_OS_IOS_SIMULATOR
499  if (runCheck && shouldResubmitFrame) {
500  rasterThreadMerger->MergeWithLease(kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration);
501  }
502 }

References kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration.

◆ firstResponderPlatformViewId

- (long) firstResponderPlatformViewId

Returns the platform view id if the platform view (or any of its descendant view) is the first responder.

Returns -1 if no such platform view is found.

Definition at line 546 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

546  {
547  for (auto const& [id, platformViewData] : self.platformViews) {
548  UIView* rootView = platformViewData.root_view;
549  if (rootView.flt_hasFirstResponderInViewHierarchySubtree) {
550  return id;
551  }
552  }
553  return -1;
554 }

◆ flutterTouchInterceptingViewForId:

- (FlutterTouchInterceptingView *) flutterTouchInterceptingViewForId: (int64_t)  viewId

Returns theFlutterTouchInterceptingView with the provided view_id.

Returns nil if there is no platform view with the provided id. Called from the platform thread.

Definition at line 539 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

539  :(int64_t)viewId {
540  if (self.platformViews.empty()) {
541  return nil;
542  }
543  return self.platformViews[viewId].touch_interceptor;
544 }



◆ onMethodCall:result:

- (void) onMethodCall: (FlutterMethodCall*)  call
result: (FlutterResult result 

Handler for platform view message channels.

Definition at line 310 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

310  :(FlutterMethodCall*)call result:(FlutterResult)result {
311  if ([[call method] isEqualToString:@"create"]) {
312  [self onCreate:call result:result];
313  } else if ([[call method] isEqualToString:@"dispose"]) {
314  [self onDispose:call result:result];
315  } else if ([[call method] isEqualToString:@"acceptGesture"]) {
316  [self onAcceptGesture:call result:result];
317  } else if ([[call method] isEqualToString:@"rejectGesture"]) {
318  [self onRejectGesture:call result:result];
319  } else {
321  }
322 }

References FlutterMethodNotImplemented.

◆ platformViewForId:

- (UIView* _Nullable) platformViewForId: (int64_t)  viewId

◆ postPrerollActionWithThreadMerger:impellerEnabled:

- (PostPrerollResult) FlutterPlatformViewsController: (const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>&)  rasterThreadMerger
impellerEnabled: (BOOL)  impellerEnabled 

Determine if thread merging is required after prerolling platform views.

Called from the raster thread.

Definition at line 456 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

456  :
457  (const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>&)rasterThreadMerger
458  impellerEnabled:(BOOL)impellerEnabled {
459  // TODO(jonahwilliams): remove this once Software backend is removed for iOS Sim.
461  const bool mergeThreads = true;
462 #else
463  const bool mergeThreads = !impellerEnabled;
464 #endif // FML_OS_IOS_SIMULATOR
466  if (mergeThreads) {
467  if (self.compositionOrder.empty()) {
468  return flutter::PostPrerollResult::kSuccess;
469  }
470  if (!rasterThreadMerger->IsMerged()) {
471  // The raster thread merger may be disabled if the rasterizer is being
472  // created or teared down.
473  //
474  // In such cases, the current frame is dropped, and a new frame is attempted
475  // with the same layer tree.
476  //
477  // Eventually, the frame is submitted once this method returns `kSuccess`.
478  // At that point, the raster tasks are handled on the platform thread.
479  [self cancelFrame];
480  return flutter::PostPrerollResult::kSkipAndRetryFrame;
481  }
482  // If the post preroll action is successful, we will display platform views in the current
483  // frame. In order to sync the rendering of the platform views (quartz) with skia's rendering,
484  // We need to begin an explicit CATransaction. This transaction needs to be submitted
485  // after the current frame is submitted.
486  rasterThreadMerger->ExtendLeaseTo(kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration);
487  }
488  return flutter::PostPrerollResult::kSuccess;
489 }

References cancelFrame, and kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration.

◆ prerollCompositeEmbeddedView:withParams:

- (void) prerollCompositeEmbeddedView: (int64_t)  viewId
withParams: (std::unique_ptr<flutter::EmbeddedViewParams>)  params 

Record a platform view in the layer tree to be rendered, along with the positioning and mutator parameters.

Called from the raster thread.

Definition at line 513 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

513  :(int64_t)viewId
514  withParams:(std::unique_ptr<flutter::EmbeddedViewParams>)params {
515  SkRect viewBounds = SkRect::Make(self.frameSize);
516  std::unique_ptr<flutter::EmbedderViewSlice> view;
517  view = std::make_unique<flutter::DisplayListEmbedderViewSlice>(viewBounds);
518  self.slices.insert_or_assign(viewId, std::move(view));
520  self.compositionOrder.push_back(viewId);
522  if (self.currentCompositionParams.count(viewId) == 1 &&
523  self.currentCompositionParams[viewId] == *params.get()) {
524  // Do nothing if the params didn't change.
525  return;
526  }
527  self.currentCompositionParams[viewId] = flutter::EmbeddedViewParams(*params.get());
528  self.viewsToRecomposite.insert(viewId);
529 }

◆ pushFilterToVisitedPlatformViews:withRect:

- (void) pushFilterToVisitedPlatformViews: (const std::shared_ptr<flutter::DlImageFilter>&)  filter
withRect: (const SkRect&)  filterRect 

Pushes backdrop filter mutation to the mutator stack of each visited platform view.

Definition at line 504 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

504  :(const std::shared_ptr<flutter::DlImageFilter>&)filter
505  withRect:(const SkRect&)filterRect {
506  for (int64_t id : self.visitedPlatformViews) {
507  flutter::EmbeddedViewParams params = self.currentCompositionParams[id];
508  params.PushImageFilter(filter, filterRect);
509  self.currentCompositionParams[id] = params;
510  }
511 }

◆ pushVisitedPlatformViewId:

- (void) pushVisitedPlatformViewId: (int64_t)  viewId

Pushes the view id of a visted platform view to the list of visied platform views.

Definition at line 1021 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

1021  :(int64_t)viewId {
1022  self.visitedPlatformViews.push_back(viewId);
1023 }

◆ registerViewFactory:withId:gestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy:

- (void) registerViewFactory: (NSObject<FlutterPlatformViewFactory>*)  factory
withId: (NSString*)  factoryId
gestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy: (FlutterPlatformViewGestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy gestureRecognizerBlockingPolicy 

set the factory used to construct embedded UI Views.

Definition at line 437 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

437  :(NSObject<FlutterPlatformViewFactory>*)factory
438  withId:(NSString*)factoryId
439  gestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy:
440  (FlutterPlatformViewGestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy)gestureRecognizerBlockingPolicy {
441  std::string idString([factoryId UTF8String]);
442  FML_CHECK(self.factories.count(idString) == 0);
443  self.factories[idString] = factory;
444  self.gestureRecognizersBlockingPolicies[idString] = gestureRecognizerBlockingPolicy;
445 }

◆ reset

- (void) reset

Discards all platform views instances and auxiliary resources.

Called from the raster thread.

Definition at line 712 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm.

712  {
713  // Reset will only be called from the raster thread or a merged raster/platform thread.
714  // _platformViews must only be modified on the platform thread, and any operations that
715  // read or modify platform views should occur there.
716  fml::TaskRunner::RunNowOrPostTask(self.platformTaskRunner, [self]() {
717  for (int64_t viewId : self.compositionOrder) {
718  [self.platformViews[viewId].root_view removeFromSuperview];
719  }
720  self.platformViews.clear();
721  });
723  self.compositionOrder.clear();
724  self.slices.clear();
725  self.currentCompositionParams.clear();
726  self.viewsToRecomposite.clear();
727  self.layerPool->RecycleLayers();
728  self.visitedPlatformViews.clear();
729 }

◆ submitFrame:withIosContext:grContext:

- (BOOL) submitFrame: (std::unique_ptr< flutter::SurfaceFrame >)  frame
withIosContext: (const std::shared_ptr< flutter::IOSContext > &)  iosContext
grContext: (GrDirectContext *_Nullable)  grContext 

Encode rendering for the Flutter overlay views and queue up perform platform view mutations.

Called from the raster thread.

Property Documentation

◆ flutterView

- (UIView* _Nullable) flutterView

The flutter view.

Definition at line 39 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.h.

◆ flutterViewController

- (UIViewController<FlutterViewResponder>* _Nullable) flutterViewController

The flutter view controller.

Definition at line 42 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.h.

◆ taskRunner

- (const RefPtr<) fml:

The task runner used to post rendering tasks to the platform thread.

Definition at line 36 of file FlutterPlatformViewsController.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
FLUTTER_DARWIN_EXPORT NSObject const * FlutterMethodNotImplemented
static constexpr int kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration
Definition: FlutterPlatformViewsController.mm:21
Definition: FlutterCodecs.h:220
void(^ FlutterResult)(id _Nullable result)
Definition: FlutterChannels.h:194
Definition: FlutterPlugin.h:252