Flutter iOS Embedder
FlutterAppDelegate Class Reference

#import <FlutterAppDelegate.h>

Protected Attributes

 __pad0__: UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate


FlutterAppLifeCycleProvider UIWindow * window
FlutterViewController *(^ rootFlutterViewControllerGetter )(void)

Detailed Description

UIApplicationDelegate subclass for simple apps that want default behavior.

This class implements the following behaviors:

  • Status bar touches are forwarded to the key window's root view FlutterViewController, in order to trigger scroll to top.
  • Keeps the Flutter connection open in debug mode when the phone screen locks.

App delegates for Flutter applications are not required to inherit from this class. Developers of custom app delegate classes should copy and paste code as necessary from FlutterAppDelegate.mm.

Definition at line 27 of file FlutterAppDelegate.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ __pad0__

- __pad0__

Definition at line 28 of file FlutterAppDelegate.h.

◆ FlutterPluginRegistry

- FlutterPluginRegistry

Definition at line 28 of file FlutterAppDelegate.h.

Property Documentation

◆ rootFlutterViewControllerGetter

- (FlutterViewController*(^ rootFlutterViewControllerGetter) (void))

Provided by category FlutterAppDelegate(Test).

◆ window

- (FlutterAppLifeCycleProvider UIWindow*) window

Definition at line 30 of file FlutterAppDelegate.h.

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