Flutter iOS Embedder
FakeFlutterUndoManagerDelegate Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for FakeFlutterUndoManagerDelegate:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithUndoManager:activeTextInputView:
- Instance Methods inherited from <FlutterUndoManagerDelegate>
(void) - handleUndoWithDirection:


NSUInteger undoCount
NSUInteger redoCount
NSUndoManager * undoManager
- Properties inherited from <FlutterUndoManagerDelegate>
NSUndoManager * undoManager
UIView< UITextInput > * activeTextInputView

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file FlutterUndoManagerPluginTest.mm.

Method Documentation

◆ initWithUndoManager:activeTextInputView:

- (instancetype) initWithUndoManager: (NSUndoManager *)  undoManager
activeTextInputView: (TextInputViewTest *)  activeTextInputView 

Property Documentation

◆ redoCount

- (NSUInteger) redoCount

Definition at line 29 of file FlutterUndoManagerPluginTest.mm.

◆ undoCount

- (NSUInteger) undoCount

Definition at line 28 of file FlutterUndoManagerPluginTest.mm.

◆ undoManager

- (NSUndoManager*) undoManager

Definition at line 30 of file FlutterUndoManagerPluginTest.mm.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: