Class PlatformViewsChannel.PlatformViewTouch

Enclosing class:

public static class PlatformViewsChannel.PlatformViewTouch extends Object
The state of a touch event in Flutter within a platform view.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final int
    final int
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final int
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final Number
    The amount of time that the touch has been pressed.
    final int
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final Number
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final int
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final int
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final long
    TODO(iskakaushik): javadoc
    final int
    The number of pointers (e.g, fingers) involved in the touch event.
    final Object
    Coordinates for each pointer, encoded in a raw format.
    final Object
    Properties for each pointer, encoded in a raw format.
    final int
    TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    final int
    The ID of the platform view as seen by the Flutter side.
    final float
    Coordinate precision along the x-axis.
    final float
    Coordinate precision along the y-axis.
  • Constructor Summary

    PlatformViewTouch(int viewId, Number downTime, Number eventTime, int action, int pointerCount, Object rawPointerPropertiesList, Object rawPointerCoords, int metaState, int buttonState, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, int deviceId, int edgeFlags, int source, int flags, long motionEventId)
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • viewId

      public final int viewId
      The ID of the platform view as seen by the Flutter side.
    • downTime

      @NonNull public final Number downTime
      The amount of time that the touch has been pressed.
    • eventTime

      @NonNull public final Number eventTime
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • action

      public final int action
    • pointerCount

      public final int pointerCount
      The number of pointers (e.g, fingers) involved in the touch event.
    • rawPointerPropertiesList

      @NonNull public final Object rawPointerPropertiesList
      Properties for each pointer, encoded in a raw format. Expected to be formatted as a List[List[Integer]], where each inner list has two items: - An id, at index 0, corresponding to - A tool type, at index 1, corresponding to MotionEvent.PointerProperties.toolType.
    • rawPointerCoords

      @NonNull public final Object rawPointerCoords
      Coordinates for each pointer, encoded in a raw format.
    • metaState

      public final int metaState
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • buttonState

      public final int buttonState
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • xPrecision

      public final float xPrecision
      Coordinate precision along the x-axis.
    • yPrecision

      public final float yPrecision
      Coordinate precision along the y-axis.
    • deviceId

      public final int deviceId
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • edgeFlags

      public final int edgeFlags
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • source

      public final int source
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • flags

      public final int flags
      TODO(mattcarroll): javadoc
    • motionEventId

      public final long motionEventId
      TODO(iskakaushik): javadoc
  • Constructor Details

    • PlatformViewTouch

      public PlatformViewTouch(int viewId, @NonNull Number downTime, @NonNull Number eventTime, int action, int pointerCount, @NonNull Object rawPointerPropertiesList, @NonNull Object rawPointerCoords, int metaState, int buttonState, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, int deviceId, int edgeFlags, int source, int flags, long motionEventId)