maybeOf static method

ShortcutRegistry? maybeOf(
  1. BuildContext context

Returns ShortcutRegistry of the ShortcutRegistrar that most tightly encloses the given BuildContext.

If no ShortcutRegistrar widget encloses the given context, maybeOf will return null.

There is a default ShortcutRegistrar instance in WidgetsApp, so if WidgetsApp, MaterialApp or CupertinoApp are used, an additional ShortcutRegistrar isn't needed.

See also:

  • of, which is similar to this function, but returns a non-nullable result, and will throw an exception if it doesn't find a ShortcutRegistrar ancestor.


static ShortcutRegistry? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
  final _ShortcutRegistrarScope? inherited =
  return inherited?.registry;