onKey property

  1. @Deprecated('Use onKeyEvent instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.')
FocusOnKeyCallback? get onKey

A handler for keys that are pressed when this object or one of its children has focus.

This property is deprecated and will be removed. Use onKeyEvent instead.

Key events are first given to the FocusNode that has primary focus, and if its onKey method return false, then they are given to each ancestor node up the focus hierarchy in turn. If an event reaches the root of the hierarchy, it is discarded.

This is not the way to get text input in the manner of a text field: it leaves out support for input method editors, and doesn't support soft keyboards in general. For text input, consider TextField, EditableText, or CupertinoTextField instead, which do support these things.


  'Use onKeyEvent instead. '
  'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
FocusOnKeyCallback? get onKey => _onKey ?? focusNode?.onKey;