Colors class
Contains functions for converting between different color models and manipulating colors. In addition to that, some known colors can be accessed for fast prototyping.
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
Static Properties
- aliceBlue → Vector4
no setter
- antiqueWhite → Vector4
no setter
- aqua → Vector4
no setter
- aquamarine → Vector4
no setter
- azure → Vector4
no setter
- beige → Vector4
no setter
- bisque → Vector4
no setter
- black → Vector4
no setter
- blanchedAlmond → Vector4
no setter
- blue → Vector4
no setter
- blueViolet → Vector4
no setter
- brown → Vector4
no setter
- burlyWood → Vector4
no setter
- cadetBlue → Vector4
no setter
- chartreuse → Vector4
no setter
- chocolate → Vector4
no setter
- coral → Vector4
no setter
- cornflowerBlue → Vector4
no setter
- cornsilk → Vector4
no setter
- crimson → Vector4
no setter
- cyan → Vector4
no setter
- darkBlue → Vector4
no setter
- darkCyan → Vector4
no setter
- darkGoldenrod → Vector4
no setter
- darkGray → Vector4
no setter
- darkGreen → Vector4
no setter
- darkKhaki → Vector4
no setter
- darkMagenta → Vector4
no setter
- darkOliveGreen → Vector4
no setter
- darkOrange → Vector4
no setter
- darkOrchid → Vector4
no setter
- darkRed → Vector4
no setter
- darkSalmon → Vector4
no setter
- darkSeaGreen → Vector4
no setter
- darkSlateBlue → Vector4
no setter
- darkSlateGray → Vector4
no setter
- darkTurquoise → Vector4
no setter
- darkViolet → Vector4
no setter
- deepPink → Vector4
no setter
- deepSkyBlue → Vector4
no setter
- dimGray → Vector4
no setter
- dodgerBlue → Vector4
no setter
- firebrick → Vector4
no setter
- floralWhite → Vector4
no setter
- forestGreen → Vector4
no setter
- fuchsia → Vector4
no setter
- gainsboro → Vector4
no setter
- ghostWhite → Vector4
no setter
- gold → Vector4
no setter
- goldenrod → Vector4
no setter
- gray → Vector4
no setter
- green → Vector4
no setter
- greenYellow → Vector4
no setter
- honeydew → Vector4
no setter
- hotPink → Vector4
no setter
- indianRed → Vector4
no setter
- indigo → Vector4
no setter
- ivory → Vector4
no setter
- khaki → Vector4
no setter
- lavender → Vector4
no setter
- lavenderBlush → Vector4
no setter
- lawnGreen → Vector4
no setter
- lemonChiffon → Vector4
no setter
- lightBlue → Vector4
no setter
- lightCoral → Vector4
no setter
- lightCyan → Vector4
no setter
- lightGoldenrodYellow → Vector4
no setter
- lightGray → Vector4
no setter
- lightGreen → Vector4
no setter
- lightPink → Vector4
no setter
- lightSalmon → Vector4
no setter
- lightSeaGreen → Vector4
no setter
- lightSkyBlue → Vector4
no setter
- lightSlateGray → Vector4
no setter
- lightSteelBlue → Vector4
no setter
- lightYellow → Vector4
no setter
- lime → Vector4
no setter
- limeGreen → Vector4
no setter
- linen → Vector4
no setter
- magenta → Vector4
no setter
- maroon → Vector4
no setter
- mediumAquamarine → Vector4
no setter
- mediumBlue → Vector4
no setter
- mediumOrchid → Vector4
no setter
- mediumPurple → Vector4
no setter
- mediumSeaGreen → Vector4
no setter
- mediumSlateBlue → Vector4
no setter
- mediumSpringGreen → Vector4
no setter
- mediumTurquoise → Vector4
no setter
- mediumVioletRed → Vector4
no setter
- midnightBlue → Vector4
no setter
- mintCream → Vector4
no setter
- mistyRose → Vector4
no setter
- moccasin → Vector4
no setter
no setter
no setter
- oldLace → Vector4
no setter
- olive → Vector4
no setter
- oliveDrab → Vector4
no setter
- orange → Vector4
no setter
- orangeRed → Vector4
no setter
- orchid → Vector4
no setter
- paleGoldenrod → Vector4
no setter
- paleGreen → Vector4
no setter
- paleTurquoise → Vector4
no setter
- paleVioletRed → Vector4
no setter
- papayaWhip → Vector4
no setter
- peachPuff → Vector4
no setter
- peru → Vector4
no setter
- pink → Vector4
no setter
- plum → Vector4
no setter
- powderBlue → Vector4
no setter
- purple → Vector4
no setter
- red → Vector4
no setter
- rosyBrown → Vector4
no setter
- royalBlue → Vector4
no setter
- saddleBrown → Vector4
no setter
- salmon → Vector4
no setter
- sandyBrown → Vector4
no setter
- seaGreen → Vector4
no setter
- seaShell → Vector4
no setter
- sienna → Vector4
no setter
- silver → Vector4
no setter
- skyBlue → Vector4
no setter
- slateBlue → Vector4
no setter
- slateGray → Vector4
no setter
- snow → Vector4
no setter
- springGreen → Vector4
no setter
- steelBlue → Vector4
no setter
- tan → Vector4
no setter
- teal → Vector4
no setter
- thistle → Vector4
no setter
- tomato → Vector4
no setter
- transparent → Vector4
no setter
- turquoise → Vector4
no setter
- violet → Vector4
no setter
- wheat → Vector4
no setter
- white → Vector4
no setter
- whiteSmoke → Vector4
no setter
- yellow → Vector4
no setter
- yellowGreen → Vector4
no setter
Static Methods
Vector4 foreground, Vector4 background, Vector4 result) → void -
Blend the
color overbackground
color and store the color inresult
. -
String value, Vector4 result) → void -
Convert the color as a string in the format '#FF0F00', '#FFFF0F00', '#FF0'
or '#FFF0' (with or without a leading '#', case insensitive) to the
corresponding color value and store it in
. The first group is treated as the alpha channel if avalue
with four groups is passed. -
int r, int g, int b, int a, Vector4 result) → void -
Convert a color with
component between 0 and 255 to a color with values between 0.0 and 1.0 and store it inresult
. -
Vector4 gammaColor, Vector4 linearColor, [double gamma = 2.2]) → void -
from gamma space into linear color space and store the result inlinearColor
. It is possible to specify a optionalgamma
, the default value is 2.2. -
Vector4 hslColor, Vector4 rgbColor) → void -
from hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) color model to the RGB color model and store it inrgbColor
. -
Vector4 hsvColor, Vector4 rgbColor) → void -
from hue, saturation, and value (HSV) color model to the RGB color model and store it inrgbColor
. -
Vector4 linearColor, Vector4 gammaColor, [double gamma = 2.2]) → void -
from linear space into gamma color space and store the result ingammaColor
. It is possible to specify a optionalgamma
, the default value is 2.2. -
Vector4 rgbColor, Vector4 hslColor) → void -
from rgb color model to the hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) color model and store it inhslColor
. -
Vector4 rgbColor, Vector4 hsvColor) → void -
from rgb color model to the hue, saturation, and value (HSV) color model and store it inhsvColor
. -
Vector4 input, Vector4 result) → void -
Convert a
color to a gray scaled color and store it inresult
. -
Vector4 input, {bool alpha = false, bool short = false}) → String -
Convert a
color to a hex string without a leading '#'. To include the alpha channel, setalpha
to true, it is false by default. Ifshort
is true, the resulting hex string might also be a short version, like #ff0 (default false).