complement property
A color that complements the input color aesthetically.
In art, this is usually described as being across the color wheel. History of this shows intent as a color that is just as cool-warm as the input color is warm-cool.
Hct get complement {
if (_complement != null) {
return _complement!;
final coldestHue = coldest.hue;
final coldestTemp = tempsByHct[coldest]!;
final warmestHue = warmest.hue;
final warmestTemp = tempsByHct[warmest]!;
final range = warmestTemp - coldestTemp;
final startHueIsColdestToWarmest =
isBetween(angle: input.hue, a: coldestHue, b: warmestHue);
final startHue = startHueIsColdestToWarmest ? warmestHue : coldestHue;
final endHue = startHueIsColdestToWarmest ? coldestHue : warmestHue;
const directionOfRotation = 1.0;
var smallestError = 1000.0;
var answer = hctsByHue[input.hue.round()];
final complementRelativeTemp = 1.0 - inputRelativeTemperature;
// Find the color in the other section, closest to the inverse percentile
// of the input color. This is the complement.
for (var hueAddend = 0.0; hueAddend <= 360.0; hueAddend += 1.0) {
final hue = MathUtils.sanitizeDegreesDouble(
startHue + directionOfRotation * hueAddend);
if (!isBetween(angle: hue, a: startHue, b: endHue)) {
final possibleAnswer = hctsByHue[hue.round()];
final relativeTemp = (_tempsByHct[possibleAnswer]! - coldestTemp) / range;
final error = (complementRelativeTemp - relativeTemp).abs();
if (error < smallestError) {
smallestError = error;
answer = possibleAnswer;
_complement = answer;
return _complement!;