useSafeArea property

bool useSafeArea

Whether to avoid system intrusions on the top, left, and right.

If true, a SafeArea is inserted to keep the bottom sheet away from system intrusions at the top, left, and right sides of the screen.

If false, the bottom sheet will extend through any system intrusions at the top, left, and right.

If false, then moreover MediaQuery.removePadding will be used to remove top padding, so that a SafeArea widget inside the bottom sheet will have no effect at the top edge. If this is undesired, consider setting useSafeArea to true. Alternatively, wrap the SafeArea in a MediaQuery that restates an ambient MediaQueryData from outside builder.

In either case, the bottom sheet extends all the way to the bottom of the screen, including any system intrusions.

The default is false.


final bool useSafeArea;