getPadding method

EdgeInsetsGeometry getPadding(
  1. MaterialButton button

Padding for the button's child (typically the button's label).

Returns the button's MaterialButton.padding if it is non-null, otherwise, returns the padding of the constructor parameter if it is non-null.

Otherwise, returns horizontal padding of 24.0 on the left and right if getTextTheme is ButtonTextTheme.primary, 16.0 on the left and right otherwise.


EdgeInsetsGeometry getPadding(MaterialButton button) {
  return button.padding ??
      _padding ??
      switch (getTextTheme(button)) {
        ButtonTextTheme.normal => const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
        ButtonTextTheme.accent => const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
        ButtonTextTheme.primary => const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24.0),