resolve method

void resolve(
  1. PointerSignalEvent event

Resolves the event, calling the first registered callback if there was one.

This is called by the GestureBinding after the framework has finished dispatching the pointer signal event.


void resolve(PointerSignalEvent event) {
  if (_firstRegisteredCallback == null) {
    assert(_currentEvent == null);
    // Nothing in the framework/app wants to handle the `event`. Allow the
    // platform to trigger any default native actions.
      allowPlatformDefault: true
  assert(_isSameEvent(_currentEvent!, event));
  try {
  } catch (exception, stack) {
    InformationCollector? collector;
    assert(() {
      collector = () => <DiagnosticsNode>[
        DiagnosticsProperty<PointerSignalEvent>('Event', event, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
      return true;
      exception: exception,
      stack: stack,
      library: 'gesture library',
      context: ErrorDescription('while resolving a PointerSignalEvent'),
      informationCollector: collector,
  _firstRegisteredCallback = null;
  _currentEvent = null;