byValue method

SemanticsFinder byValue(
  1. Pattern value, {
  2. FlutterView? view,

Finds any SemanticsNodes that has a SemanticsNode.value that matches the given value.

The view provided will be used to determine the semantics tree where the search will be evaluated. If not provided, the search will be evaluated against the semantics tree of WidgetTester.view.


SemanticsFinder byValue(Pattern value, {FlutterView? view}) {
  return byPredicate(
    (SemanticsNode node) => _matchesPattern(node.value, value),
    describeMatch: (Plurality plurality) => '${switch (plurality) { => 'SemanticsNode', || Plurality.many => 'SemanticsNodes',
    }} with value "$value"',
    view: view,