connect static method

Future<FlutterDriver> connect({
  1. String? dartVmServiceUrl,
  2. bool printCommunication = false,
  3. bool logCommunicationToFile = true,
  4. int? isolateNumber,
  5. Pattern? fuchsiaModuleTarget,
  6. Duration? timeout,
  7. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,

Connects to a Flutter application.

Resumes the application if it is currently paused (e.g. at a breakpoint).

The dartVmServiceUrl parameter is the URL to Dart observatory (a.k.a. VM service). If not specified, the URL specified by the VM_SERVICE_URL environment variable is used. One or the other must be specified.

The printCommunication parameter determines whether the command communication between the test and the app should be printed to stdout.

The logCommunicationToFile parameter determines whether the command communication between the test and the app should be logged to flutter_driver_commands.log.

The isolateNumber parameter determines the specific isolate to connect to. If this is left as null, will connect to the first isolate found running on dartVmServiceUrl.

The fuchsiaModuleTarget parameter specifies the pattern for determining which mod to control. When running on a Fuchsia device, either this or the environment variable FUCHSIA_MODULE_TARGET must be set (the environment variable is treated as a substring pattern). This field will be ignored if isolateNumber is set, as this is already enough information to connect to an isolate. This parameter is ignored on non-fuchsia devices.

The headers parameter optionally specifies HTTP headers to be included in the WebSocket connection. This is only used for VMServiceFlutterDriver connections.

The return value is a future. This method never times out, though it may fail (completing with an error). A timeout can be applied by the caller using Future.timeout if necessary.


static Future<FlutterDriver> connect({
  String? dartVmServiceUrl,
  bool printCommunication = false,
  bool logCommunicationToFile = true,
  int? isolateNumber,
  Pattern? fuchsiaModuleTarget,
  Duration? timeout,
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
}) async {
  if (Platform.environment['FLUTTER_WEB_TEST'] != null) {
    return WebFlutterDriver.connectWeb(
      hostUrl: dartVmServiceUrl,
      timeout: timeout,
      printCommunication: printCommunication,
      logCommunicationToFile: logCommunicationToFile,
  return VMServiceFlutterDriver.connect(
    dartVmServiceUrl: dartVmServiceUrl,
    printCommunication: printCommunication,
    logCommunicationToFile: logCommunicationToFile,
    isolateNumber: isolateNumber,
    fuchsiaModuleTarget: fuchsiaModuleTarget,
    headers: headers,